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Saturday, February 27, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Create Momentum in 3 Minutes Flat
By Jeanna Gabellini | August 03, 2018
It's common to experience fulfillment in some areas of your life while feeling like you're backpedaling in another area. Have no fear, if you want to move forward in that one area. Here's something you can do right now. Seize the moment! It'll only take about one minute longer than it takes for you to read this article. Bring to mind the optimal outcome you want. Just spend a moment articulating, in one or two sentences, the end result. For example, "I found my perfect house on the water and the financing easily fell into place." Notice I put this in past tense, as if it already happened. Now, what can you find that's working well about the current situation? What can you appreciate? I began looking for a house before my financing was in place and before my mate was on board with this goal. It looked like an impossible dream at the time.
When I was house hunting, I focused appreciation toward my realtor, who was patient, enthusiastic, and compassionate. I appreciated that many people gave me creative ideas for my financing. Every house gave me a new design or decorating idea. Make the obstacles less significant. Remember that no matter what aggravating evidence is revealed to make it look like your goal is being stomped on by the Universe, don't give it too much attention. You'll always find a way to get your outcome if you release the obstacles as relevant. Whenever I found a house that piqued my interest, either the price tag was several hundred thousand above my budget, the view was the size of a postage stamp, or my mate would find something wrong with the deal. I kept holding out that the Universe would find a way to bring together all the pieces in an ideal way. When you're not feeling inspired or ease around the goal, stop all action and attention to it.
This is the time to go get involved in the areas of your life that are working well. Trust me, you will not benefit from trying to make something happen when you are feeling agitated. Even if the area you need movement in is finances. Your finances can't improve when you've got your panties in a wad about them. You're only a vibrational match to trickles of income when your attitude is in the dumps. Every moment is an opportunity to acknowledge that there are good things happening in your life. There might only be one or two things you can find that seem to be okay. Give some energy there. You're always in transition, and this moment is only temporary. The good stuff is coming, but you have to chill out in the meantime.
Don't Determine What's Possible For You Based On Where Your Life Is Right Now
By Tony Fahkry | April 22, 2020
Judging Your Life Doesn't Help You: I want you to reflect on what is working favorably in your life right now? Is it your relationships, finances, health, family, career, etc? Now, think about what is not working for you? What area of your life could be improved? Let's set aside the current circumstances regarding the Coronavirus pandemic because we have little control in what happens. But I invite you to examine the various aspects of your life, to see how you could improve it. We mustn't think our life isn't working based on where we are right now. Sometimes, our current situation may be a transition for the next phase of our life. Life is constantly evolving. Judging our current circumstances is like taking a photograph of someone, believing that is how they will look their entire life. Moreover, you keep looking at the photograph over the years, thinking the person is still the same. But this is wishful thinking, since they will have matured, changed the color of their hair, perhaps lost weight or changed other aspects of their appearance. What I'm saying is: if we judge our life based on a snapshot of where we are, we miss out on what is yet to unfold. Are you comfortable with this idea that your life is constantly evolving?
It would be remiss of you to decide what isn't possible based on what is lacking or not working. I hope you get the impression that judging your life doesn't help you get to the next chapter, but keeps you stuck in your current predicament. Naturally, we evaluate life through the lens of disappointment and discouragement. Many people do this because they want to fix what isn't working. But what if your life isn't broken and you are judging it unfairly? That is to say, perhaps the pieces of your life are still coming together and look disjointed because the entire picture is not complete? Anything Is Possible For You What we ought to do is work towards how our life should look, knowing the pieces may not fit, since it is still coming together. Is this beginning to make sense, where judging your life is pointless because life is constantly flowing through us like a stream. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." He was referring to the ever-changing speed at which our life ebbs and flows. What we are certain of today may be irrelevant tomorrow. This is evident right now regarding the Coronavirus. Scientists and infectious disease experts are only certain of the data today because things aren't changing at an ever-increasing rate. And so it is with your life.
Things may appear to be working against you today, and suddenly everything can fall into place tomorrow. It is when we look back on our life, we can see that our failures and mistakes had to happen, to bring us to where we are today. Anything is possible for you, as long as you continue moving forward and not give up hope of a better future. If you give up, you stop taking risks and settle for what you've got. Unfortunate things happen to people every day. They can cause setbacks and frustration because we believe we are not making progress. But these thoughts are an illusion, contrived by the egoic mind to protect us from getting hurt. But ask any successful person and they will tell you, some of the best things that happened to them, came out of nowhere. They occurred when they least expect it, while pursuing their goals and dreams.
With this in mind, I'd like you to draw up on a piece of paper or your phone, three columns with the headings: What Is Working for Me and What Is Not Working for Me. In the third column write: What Is The Lesson? Take some time to work through the questions I asked you at the beginning of the article, regarding what is working for you and against you. This will give you a sense of how your life is tracking and whether you need to intervene. Sometimes, interfering in our life is like throwing a stone into a serene pond which disturbs the pristine water. Instead, allow life to organize itself around you and through you, to bring you what you need at the right time. After all, if we determine what is possible based on where we are, we miss out on the potential for life to deliver what we need, when we least expect it. Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts?
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Tuesday, February 23, 2021
How To Use Your Time To Create The Life You Want
By Carmen Gilfillan | July 02, 2019
How you use your time is just one of the variables to success. I'm not talking about the passage of time because time just is. It's what you do with the time that you have that matters. One of the secrets to success is knowing how much time to spend on the right things at the right time in the right order to get the results you want in your life. We have so many distractions these days that it's so easy to be swayed off course. So how do you know when you're using your time effectively and when you're not?
1. Get the Balance Right It's all about balance. If you feel you're working too slowly, how can you speed up such that you're still fully present with the task at hand, you're minimizing errors and you're in that alpha brainwave state (where you're fully absorbed in what you're doing)? If work is coming in at a faster pace than your working pace you know you need to reduce the time you're spending on tasks or increase your pace. If you're rushing around in a state of unhealthy stress (yes there is healthy stress... it's called moderate pressure!) what do you need to do to slow down and bring a sense of calmness and balance back into your being? If you're being drawn away from what you're doing by social media and time is just passing you by, what strategies and stops do you need to put in place to ensure that you minimize those distractions? It's all about finding that fine line between speed and pace, between stress and pressure, between distraction and taking a break. How you view what you're engaged in at any point in time is key to how successfully you do what you do. It's about gaining that clarity in your mind.
For example if you feel your pace is too slow or to fast on a particular day and you've got a long list of tasks to accomplish that day, get clear about why your pace is the way it is. Look back at what you were doing yesterday. Did you have a full-on day yesterday, or was your day too easy? In which case should you have scheduled in a lighter day today or a more active one? How did you sleep last night? If you spent the night tossing and turning and hardly slept that might be a clue that maybe your body just needs rest today. If you slept soundly last night this is going to contribute to an extra boost of energy for you. Look at what you've been eating over the last few days. If it's empty calories that give you the feeling of fullness but lack nourishment, this is going to drain your energy levels. If, however, you've been taking in food and drink packed with E numbers you may find yourself bouncing off the walls. All of these aspects are going to have an impact on the time you spend, so planning your days effectively taking account of your energy levels is crucial.
2. Understand How You Respond Another indicator as to whether your life is working for you time wise is how well you're moving towards what you want in life. A measure of this is how you're responding at the end of each day to what you've achieved... or not. If you feel disappointed because once again you've not accomplished what you wanted to achieve, perhaps it's because once again you've unrealistically tried to fit too many tasks into one day. By asking yourself certain questions about the activities you undertake will begin to give you an understanding of how well you're using your time. Do you feel your task is too big, too small, too boring? Maybe you're unclear on exactly what it is you need to do. Perhaps you lack clarity on how you're going to do what it is you want to do.
3. Prioritize Your Activities Maybe what's needed is some time to clearly define your activity, why you're doing it and to work out a simple strategy that will at least get you moving. Sometimes when you take a few moments to take just these simple steps, your energy levels begin to stabilize because confusion, frustration and uncertainty begin to wane. Taking some time to simply prioritize your tasks according to their level of importance, timing each one and deciding when you are going to tackle each is an amazingly freeing activity on a mental level that will begin to move you forward. Adopting this more practical approach will also help you to learn more about how you naturally work, and to work in accordance with this.
4. Get Clear on Your Outcomes The clearer you can be about your desired achievements, the more constructively you'll find yourself using your time. How to do this is relatively simple: Get really clear on exactly what you want to achieve Map out your strategy for getting there Break your project down into prioritized and timed phases and tasks Get to work! Evaluate on an ongoing basis what's working and what's not Make the necessary adjustments along the way Stay open-minded to what success will look like Keep going until you get to where you want to go (or to the closest version of it) Rinse and repeat It's a simple system, but it's not necessarily easy, and a key part of this is how you use the time at your disposal to get to your outcome. When you begin to use your time more effectively by following the strategies above, you can begin to achieve the exact outcomes you want to manifest, and from there start to carve out the exact life you want to live.
Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus specializes in helping people overcome emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Emotional Freedom consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth. Check out our website at to book your free Emotional Breakthrough consultation.
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What's Your Secret Weapon Against Overwhelm? Your Time Energy
By Paula Eder | November 10, 2019
Isn't it wonderful when you're in the flow? Work is a breeze, and nothing fazes you. You stay clear and focused. Your alertness helps you respond to setbacks and surprises without being thrown off course. But then, there are those other days... sometimes lots of them! You're so tired. You're cranky and feel caged in, and whenever you embark on a task, it feels like you need way more time than you have! (That's because when you're overwrought and out of sync, projects get snarled, taking you twice as long.) What If You Possessed a Secret Weapon Against Overwhelm? Imagine turning any "off" day into "on" day - moving in harmony with time and releasing overwhelm! You know deep in your heart that there must be something you can do - but what?
Well, I have developed an approach that I'd like to share with you. The good news is, you already have a secret weapon against overwhelm, and all you have to do is tap into it! It's like an electrical current, and I call it Time Energy™. Time Energy - 5 Phenomenal Facts About Your Inner Powerhouse When you realize just how groundbreaking this approach is, I believe you'll agree: Its potential is nothing short of life-changing!
1. This energy is all yours. Time Energy is you, harnessing your power to make the most of your moments. It's refreshed and revitalized, like a rechargeable battery, by each resourceful and decisive time choice you make.
2. It is inexhaustible. In the same way that you can't run out of wisdom, the flow of your Time Energy is never-ending.
3. It grows as you use it. As with wisdom, the more frequently you draw on your Time Energy to empower yourself and make sound choices, the stronger it gets. What I call Time Energy is a constellation of disciplines, insights and strengths that evolve, broaden, and deepen as often as you use them. Do you see the potential?
4. This energy is about synergy. Your Time Energy amplifies as you coordinate your skills, experience, and wisdom. Think of muscles that work in unison to power you forward. As you strengthen each muscle in relation to the others, your capacity grows exponentially! By bolstering each link, you create a sturdy chain. (And how you identify the spots in need of some firming up is a topic we'll explore down the road.)
5. Abundant energy requires abundance thinking. When your energy deflates like a punctured beach ball, view that, not as a problem but as a cue! It tells you that you're temporarily locked into scarcity thinking. And the way out it to look within. With practice, you'll be able to simply say, "I choose Time Energy" like a mantra to quickly access your powerful and abundant inner reserves. Notice how you feel whenever you're in the flow. Welcome this energy like the good friend that it is.
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Monday, February 22, 2021
3 Keys To Living With Unlimited Potential
By Chio Ugochukwu | January 22, 2021
Do you know that you have the potential to do anything you want to do? The big challenge you have is having the ability to make better decisions based on the resources that you have. You have all the resources you require to get the most of your talents every day. Don't allow your daily challenges and obstacles prevent you from seeking to achieve unlimited potential in your daily life. Anything is a possibility if you are committed to achieving it. Here are 3 keys to living with unlimited potential. The first key to living with unlimited potential is to remember that you may not always be successful in everything you have attempted. What does this mean? It means that if you truly want to live with unlimited potential, you cannot quit simply because you did not get the results that you desired in your first attempt.
Do you know how many attempts it the first solider to win Miss USA to succeed? It her took 7 attempts. Do you think she would have achieved her potential if she had quit the 3rd time she failed or lost in the competition. The second key to living with unlimited potential is that you tune out the noise. Others will judge and tell you that you cannot succeed. They will underestimate your potential and discourage you from striving to achieve potential. Focus on improving yourself every day and taking the action that will you to become a better version of yourself. You have to learn to strive to do your best without expecting others to support you or tell you that you have the resources and mindset to live with unlimited potential.
This is part of the process of relentless self-mastery. The third key to living with unlimited potential is to work hard to cultivate your natural talents and avoid taking them for granted. If you have a job interview, get ready for it. Don't assume that because you got the best result in school and that you are very good at public seeking that you will do well in your job interview. You might be the best qualified candidate and still fail to get the job. Don't get discouraged. Focus on cultivating your talents and getting better. Remember that the more you develop and use your skills, the better the results you will get. You have apply yourself to grow your talents every day. Unapplied talent leads to drainage of your potential. Remember that life is too short to settle for less than you are capable of achieving.
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If You Really Want to Be Happy, There Is Only ONE THING You Need!
By Niti Krishnakumar | January 24, 2021
Good news everybody - finally discovered the code to unending everlasting happiness. Trust me, I am not going to quote from any book because I received this revelation from Heaven this morning and I am bursting forth with joy on having discovered this secret that the entire human race has been vociferously trying to decode since centuries. I am getting your hopes up and building to this point of 'I can't wait to know this' because the discovery will help you live a super happy life from this moment on. Just the discovery is enough to set you free. So let's cut to the chase - what is that one thing that we all need? Hmm, if I put the answer to you directly in two words, you may miss it. So I will give you many situations in your daily life that usually unsettle you and give you the answer for what could be done to improve it and this will bring you to the answer. But, the answer to each situation will only be a partial answer and you will have to put these traits together to reach the final answer!
Situation 1: It's time for breakfast and you are hungry. There's no one in the kitchen and nobody has ordered any food. You call out to your mom, wife, cook and you can't hear them respond to your call. You are frustrated and you want to yell louder when you hear your stomach growl loudly and you feel dissipated. "What can I do? I am so hungry I could eat a wolf and there's no one to see how distressed I am."
Response 1: I am going to order something fast.
Response 2: I am going to cook some light meal to hold on for now.
Response 3: I am going to binge on snacks
Let's say you chose response 3. It's easy and off-the-shelf. Moreover, it gave you some empty calories. You could have made some oatmeal or eaten salad instead. But you chose the snack as your panacea. Consequences of your decision: In all likelihood, you will be angrier than you were before. Because junk food makes one a freak junkie. All this unwanted food is making your body spin in the wrong direction. So you are losing your sense of propriety and you feel you are the boss and you can call all the shots. So you decide to behave with your family rashly. You get corny and apathetic. You can't listen to what they have to say. You look tough and you become insensitive. You have wasted your morning. Frustrating indeed? I am hinting that the situation could have been handled better. You could have had a better response to the situation and you could have enjoyed the moment if you only knew how to make it work for you. Clearly your appetite for food was hard to control because your body was stronger than your spirit. We know that we can go without food for many days and not having food for a few hours is actually good for your health. You could have waited or tried to find out what was the hold-up. But something kept you in a place of bondage. Let's examine the next situation.
Situation 2: "My dog is not well. He's been sneezing and looking for cover. Probably, he's felling cold." So you pull a blanket over him. He feels cozy and stops sneezing. Then he goes to sleep and wakes up fit and fine. Congrats! You did well to sense what the dog needed and provided it. So you were able to enjoy the moment knowing that you wouldn't have to rush about taking him to the vet or driving him to another vet and so on. This is the comfortable place we want to be in. When we can have some control over the situations of our life without feeling helpless and outdone. These are precious moments that help us feel sane and glad to be alive. When things go well, it is time to relax and when things seem to go downhill, they can make us nervous. So how do we embrace success every time? What if I hadn't sensed the situation carefully and failed to provide an answer? The situation could have been worse and my day wouldn't have been well-spent. Let's take a new situation where things could go terribly wrong.
Situation 3: The fan is not working because the power went and it's hot. "I can't work and meet my deadline." So I ask my daughter to fan me with a piece of cardboard or a hand fan if she can find it. She refuses. It is a hot situation. You have work that should've been finished by now. What's the best way forward? Life is made up of trying situations such as the above. There's too little time even to vent your anger. What if the person dismisses you as absurd and irrelevant? There are many things that go wrong in life. I can list many more situations when we wish we had some more patience, some more time to think and even knowledge to take the right course of action that we would not regret. The fun is doing life when everything is bound to go wrong; being persistent and sticking with what you believe, and being convinced that this is the way forward. "What relief! At least I can be confident that I am on the right track!" Just to know is half-deliverance and the rest is getting up to speed and doing it. If you are really convinced, it is easier to execute personal well-being (sorry, these are not the two magic words).
The magic words are "GOOD CHARACTER". In all the three cases, we responded according to our character. Our response to everything that happens to us is determined largely by our character. If you invest in building a great character where you are not easily annoyed or put off by other's mannerisms and behaviors, are forgiving and tolerant, adjusting and accommodating, even loving, you will certainly enjoy a great life. Indeed everyone sets out in life thinking money is the solution to all the problems they face but that is not true. If you have what you need for sustenance, you are blessed to have a great life because blessings come to those who have a great nature. You will be far more productive in any field of work and you will be respected and influential. You will gain favor from everyone for being a simple yet caring person without any airs.
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Sunday, February 21, 2021
5 Tips to Sharpen Your Memory Power
By Satvik Mittal | January 20, 2017
Are you looking for ways to sharpen your memory? You can follow a few tips from Ron White who has helped a lot of business professions in improving their mental capacity. As a result, they were able to earn a higher income. Here are 5 tips to help you get started and improve your brain power.
Sleep is Essential: Are you sleep deprived? Getting little sleep will make your mind tired. As a result, you will make mistakes since you won't be able to focus your mind. According to health experts, the recommended amount of sleep for an average person is 6 to 8 hours. So, you should change your routine and go to bed before midnight and then get up early in the morning. This routine change will give your mind a memory boost.
Nutrition and Exercise: If you want your memory to work at its best, you should get good nutrition and do plenty of exercise on a daily basis. Foods that can sharpen your memory include blueberries and spinach. Aside from this, you can buy some omega-3 fish oil tablets for enhancing your memory power. Doing exercises at least 3 times per week is recommended. You can also join a good gym.
Trust Your Memory: According to Ben Pridmore, a World Memory Champion, you should learn to trust your memory if you are struggling to sharpen your mind. All you need to do is trust your memory. Don't think that your mind is not powerful enough to remember stuff you want it to remember. With time, you will see amazing results.
Avoid Negativity: Most people just don't think positive. You may have heard your friend say, "Man, I am not good with names." If this is you, you have to get rid of this cancerous thought. What you believe about yourself will make a huge difference. You should encourage yourself from time to time. If you lose heart, you are not going to go anywhere. This is the only way of getting results. On top of that, negativity will kill you and may make your mind even weaker. Positive thoughts will hone your mind as time goes by.
The Journey Method: Here it is important to note that you can't sharpen your mind overnight. Just like any other ability or skill, you need time. For instance, if you want to go somewhere far away, say the destination is 1000 miles from where you currently are, you will not get there in a few minutes. Even if you are on a plane, it will take you a few hours before you reach that place. The same goes for your mind. You should follow the tips given in this article and then be patient. Long story short, the memory training advice given in this article will help you see a significant improvement in your mental power with time. Aside from this, these tips may have a positive impact on your self-confidence as well. And you will become a more successful person down the road. If you are looking for ways to sharpen your memory, you may want to try puzzle books, especially Sudoku puzzle books.
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Saturday, February 20, 2021
Principles of Success - Definiteness of Purpose
By Elphas Sipho Mdluli | January 13, 2021
Everyone desires to succeed in life. When you seriously want something, you can sacrifice for it. Definiteness of purpose is an unwavering desire one has in life. It is a strong wish that needs to be realized. One needs to write it down to ensure that it is firmly planted in one's subconscious mind. It is said that whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Achieving such is not about how deep a person's formal education and poverty levels are. A person possesses some thing powerful to change anything in life. Regardless of the number of times you may have failed in achieving something in life, definiteness of purpose shall help drive you achieve your desire. God the Creator has given a gift to every man, which is different from other creatures, that is, the ability to use and control the mind to achieve anything in life. You can control anything. Other creatures only follow instincts, which they do not even understand. It is, therefore, important that you describe exactly what you want. Set a goal bigger than the one you achieved before.
To very human being is placed two choices in life. That is to follow blessings or riches and curses, which are a result failure to control one's mind accordingly. You enjoy blessings if you possess and direct your mind. Failure to possess and direct the mind leads to penalties or negative consequences. Blessings of possessing and directing the mind result in several benefits, which include sound health, peace of mind, freedom from fear and worry, positive mental attitude, and material riches of your choice and quantity. On the other hand, failure to direct and control one's mind results in ill- health, fear and worry, indecision and doubt, frustration and discouragement throughout life, poverty and lack, a lot of evil consisting of things like anger, unforgiveness, etc. What should you do to ensure you have definiteness of purpose?
1. Get some thing on which to write your major desire in life. It terms of achieving your desire in life, you are limited by those limits you accept or those you allow others to set for you.
2. Clearly describe what you intend to do in return to get what you desire in life. Begin doing it immediately. Always remember that there is nothing for nothing. Provide service or something of value.
3. Read and repeat the statements you have written down and memorize them. Read it the statements at least twice a day, that is, in the morning and evening. Begin expressing gratitude for realizing your desire before holding it in your hands. Definiteness of purpose is the first principle of success on anything you want to achieve in life. Know what you want and put it on a concise statement. It is important to determine what you can offer or provide in return to acquiring your desire. Put the two statements on paper or writing so you can read and memorize them. Read it regularly until it is part of you. Start expressing gratitude right away.
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Don't Let Your Senses And Reason Dictate What Is Possible For You
Friday, February 19, 2021
3 Keys To Living With Unlimited Potential
By Chio Ugochukwu | January 22, 2021
Do you know that you have the potential to do anything you want to do? The big challenge you have is having the ability to make better decisions based on the resources that you have. You have all the resources you require to get the most of your talents every day. Don't allow your daily challenges and obstacles prevent you from seeking to achieve unlimited potential in your daily life. Anything is a possibility if you are committed to achieving it. Here are 3 keys to living with unlimited potential.
The first key to living with unlimited potential is to remember that you may not always be successful in everything you have attempted. What does this mean? It means that if you truly want to live with unlimited potential, you cannot quit simply because you did not get the results that you desired in your first attempt. Do you know how many attempts it the first solider to win Miss USA to succeed? It her took 7 attempts. Do you think she would have achieved her potential if she had quit the 3rd time she failed or lost in the competition.
The second key to living with unlimited potential is that you tune out the noise. Others will judge and tell you that you cannot succeed. They will underestimate your potential and discourage you from striving to achieve potential. Focus on improving yourself every day and taking the action that will you to become a better version of yourself. You have to learn to strive to do your best without expecting others to support you or tell you that you have the resources and mindset to live with unlimited potential. This is part of the process of relentless self-mastery.
The third key to living with unlimited potential is to work hard to cultivate your natural talents and avoid taking them for granted. If you have a job interview, get ready for it. Don't assume that because you got the best result in school and that you are very good at public seeking that you will do well in your job interview. You might be the best qualified candidate and still fail to get the job. Don't get discouraged. Focus on cultivating your talents and getting better. Remember that the more you develop and use your skills, the better the results you will get. You have apply yourself to grow your talents every day. Unapplied talent leads to drainage of your potential. Remember that life is too short to settle for less than you are capable of achieving.
Article Source: 2/19/2021 3 Keys To Living With Unlimite
Thursday, February 18, 2021
How To Unlock Your Hidden Creativity
By Reshali Balasubramaniam | June 20, 2018
Maybe you feel just like you're not a creative person generally, or maybe you merely desire a little a push to get the solution you're seeking either way, there are many small actions you can take to become more creative. These tips can make you see things from different perspectives and develop the habit that will make you feel more productive and inspired. Here are ways to unlock your hidden creativity:
Brainstorm with Others: Sometimes all it requires to get from exhausted to motivate or from a relatively ineffective idea to the perfect solution to your entire problems is a few moments of chatting about your ideas with another person. Having a brand new perspective can assist you remember ideas you might have forgotten, develop ideas you currently have, and come up with things you never would've considered by yourself. If you are really stumped, make an effort to have an instant brainstorming period with a pal or a coworker. Ask when you can run some ideas past them and find out if indeed they have any thoughts.
Speak To Yourself: It isn't about having imaginary interactions with yourself. It's about conversing through your ideas and thoughts so that you can do better. Spend some time speaking what you're considering a loud, or describing things you read or listen to back again to yourself. It can help you to learn and process things better and in new ways.
Make Lists: Write down everything you want or need relating to what you're focusing on sometimes the act of writing things out and looking at them can assist you work out how to deal with something from a fresh angle. Jot down any ideas you have, then think about how precisely those ideas will continue to work with what you will need to accomplish. Proceed through your list until you select a remedy that works or discover a way to incorporate them.
Keep a Notebook with you: If you wish to become more creative, you will need to be sure you're for motivation to strike since it can strike everywhere. Keep a notebook and pen on or with you all the time all the time so you can jot down any ideas you have when they come your way, otherwise you may forget them. Plus, always getting a notebook means you will have a location to write those lists you will be making.
Ask Yourself Questions: Whenever you feel just like you hit a creative wall, try asking yourself questions about whatever it is you're focusing on or trying to resolve. Even if indeed they appear like foolish questions you have response to, ask yourself anyways just like you were another person who was interested in assembling your project. Forcing yourself to ultimately articulate what you're focusing on, either a loud or in writing can assist you see what areas you will need to focus on and what must be changed. If you ask yourself a question you do not know the response to, you might locate a new perspective.
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3 Ways You Can Detach From Your Past Negative Experiences And Thrive
By Chio Ugochukwu | February 04, 2021
How long do you carry the past with you? Do you still remember your first quarrel with your spouse every time you have a misunderstanding? Do you still remember the penalty shot that your son's friend missed that cost your team the soccer game 10 years ago? Are you still fuming at your ex five years after she ran off with another man? Are you living attached to your past negative experiences? Here are 3 ways you can detach from your past negative experiences and thrive.
The first way to detach yourself from your past negative experiences is to avoid rehashing your past painful, experiences. While it is important to learn from your past experience, making yourself suffer for years from a past experience is your own doing. You have to do certain things to continue to feel bad about experiences that happened years ago. It's definitely a skill, just not a productive one. When you spend time playing a negative experience over and over in your mind, you take away the time and energy you could have used to plan for the future and take action to meet your goals. For example if your goal is to lose 20 pounds and keep it off, but you have now acquired a taste for ethnic food from your friend, don't keep blaming your friend for your failure to lose weight. Why? You have to take responsibility for the choices and decisions you make today. You have to remember that the more mental energy you give to the past, the more it impacts the remainder of your life.
The second way to detach yourself from past negative experiences is to create new memories. An effective way to unseat old memories is to create new memories. If you want to get over your ex, find someone new that is fabulous and smashing in spirit and truth. Focus on self-mastery and relentless improvement. Look at every new interaction as an opportunity for learning and growth. Don't be in a hurry to condemn and dismiss others. Use the present to create new memories that are so strong and positive that they drive out the negative memories.
The third way is to make plans for the future. Have something exciting ahead of you that prevents you from looking behind. You can't drive your car by looking at the rear view mirror. A great future can be the best medicine for a messy past. Do you have an actionable weekly plan for translating your dreams and goals into reality? If you don't, develop one and stick to it. You also need to have the mindfulness to avoid daily distractions and stay focused on making the most out of the present moment. This is part of the process of self-mastery and relentless improvement nd empowerment.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2021
You Are The Decision Maker For Your Life
By Kate Corbin | March 01, 2017
"Life is the sum of all your choices." - Albert Camus You know, we can have the most enlightened beliefs about life and how life works but they can remain pretty much theoretical until we have an opportunity to practice our beliefs. For example, I have for many years been aware of the power of choice. I have reminded myself on a daily basis that I get to choose. I have frequently tried to convince clients that they too get to choose.
Perhaps this blog post will remind you of the awesome power of choice you possess. Why is that important? Because we create our own reality through the choices we make. So, the day before Thanksgiving 2015 I had an opportunity to take this understanding to a deeper level. My elderly mother had an accident at home and ended up spending a week in the hospital followed by six weeks in a rehab facility. I am her primary caretaker when she needs care and this situation was very difficult for me. For one thing, it broke my heart to see my sweet mother suffering and incapacitated. Second, I was called on to make her my priority and completely shift my schedule to tend to her needs. I'm in no way complaining; just explaining. After three days I was exhausted both emotionally and physically and I felt like I was getting sick.
In meditation that Saturday morning, something wonderful and much needed happened. Like a lightning bolt, I received the profound clarity that: I Am the Decision Maker for My Life and I Get to Choose! In that moment, I took my power back. I was once again on top of my game. I was empowered and committed to moving forward in a state of alignment. I felt transformed and was filled with appreciation for that amazing shift. After meditation that morning, I asked myself, "OK, then, if I'm the Decision Maker for my Life, what do I choose in this situation?"
This is the list I wrote that day: *I choose to stay well. *I choose to BE strong. *I choose to move through this experience with ease and grace. *I choose to trust that everything is unfolding perfectly. *I choose to feel good even under these conditions. And it worked! As I moved forward, whenever I started to feel sad or overwhelmed, I simply re-affirmed these choices and clicked back into my power. I continue to have many opportunities to remind myself that I'm the decision maker for my life. And I can tell you that accepting the power and responsibility that come with truly being the decision maker for my life aligns me with bold, empowered choices as well as bold, empowered actions. Since you're the Decision Maker for Your Life, what do you choose?
A Proper Attitude Can Bring Success!
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
You Will Only Be Your Best If You Have FAITH!
By Richard Brody | November 09, 2020
If, you don't feel, you deserve to be, the best, you can, possibly, become, how could you, ever get, to where, you say, you hope to reach? The reality is, you will only be your personal best, when/ if, you truly, have a large degree, of FAITH, in your abilities, ideas, and self - worth! After, more than four decades of conducting personal development seminars, and trainings, I have come, to strongly, feel, there is usually a direct correlation, between how we view ourselves, and how we perform, and proceed, through life! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters.
1. Face facts; future; furnish; fruition; feelings: Too many of us, resort to denials, when we would be better served, if, we took the time, to face the facts, in a truly, introspective manner! What do you want your future, to look like, and what are you, willing to do, to get there, and achieve it? However, it is essential, not only, to visualize this, but, to create a personal strategy, to furnish, a path, to achieve your objectives! This generally takes persistence, in order to transform a plan, to fruition! Never forget your feelings, and learn, to know, and identify, openly, and honestly, both your personal strengths, and weaknesses!
2. Attitude; aptitude; articulate; attention; astute; actions/ action plan: It takes a positive, can - do, attitude, combined, with a relevant, aptitude, and skill - set, to become your personal best! One must never be afraid, to articulate, how he feels, and what, he believes, but, must do so, only, after, thorough consideration, and understanding! Do you, consistently, pay keen attention, proceed, in an astute way, and develop, a strategically - based, action plan? Will you use this plan, to develop your actions?
3. Integrity; ideas; imagination/ image; innovate; introspection: Maintain your personal integrity, but, never stop, using your imagination, to develop ideas, which might make you, happier, and better! You must like your personal image, inside, and outside, and be ready, to proceed, with thorough, relevant, true, introspection!
4. Truth; trends; timely; time - tested: Don't lie, to yourself! Tell yourself the truth, whether you like it, or not! To do so, it's important to proceed, in a well- considered, timely manner, and take the time, to consistently learn, from all the time - tested, knowledge, you might gain, from the past!
5. Head/ heart; healing/ health; humane; happiness/ happy: Will you develop, and effectively use/ proceed, in a manner, which balances, the best aspects of your emotional, and logical components, using a head/ heart balance? Is your life - style, etc, one, which is healing, and positive, to your health, and well - being? Will you maintain, the best aspects of your humanity, so you treat others, consistently, in a humane manner? What enhances your personal happiness, and what, consistently, makes you happy? Will you have the degree of personal FAITH, in your self - value, to be the best, you can, possibly, become? How much do you care, about this?
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Monday, February 15, 2021
10 Habits to Get Things Done
By Christy Geiger | November 12, 2019
In today's busy world, with the holidays approaching, how do you get more done? It is a topic that continues to be pressing in our active world today. Here are a few classic tips that save time but are not always standard in people's habits.
1. Appointment setting - Often people go back and forth with long text or email conversations to schedule appointments. Create a free Google calendar for yourself on so people can pick and schedule a time. If your schedule is not able to be standardized, at least shorten the correspondence by suggesting three times vs. messaging back and forth. It is amazing how many messages it can take to get one appointment unless one communicator puts forth multiple options to expedite finding a time.
2. Measure your results; maximize your time - When doing things, many of us would love to take all the time in the world to make it "perfect". The problem is "perfect" is not only hard to achieve but is usually not "cost-effective". This doesn't mean you have to ditch excellence, but it does mean you have to understand what is 80% Optimum. Recently at a conference, a speaker suggested a concept called "Get-mo" short for "Get More". It is similar to the philosophy of Optimum. It is looking at the task at hand, the time you have and finding creative solutions to achieve the outcome. It is the epitome of maximizing time. Understand what is a "reasonable" amount of time to do a task or project or "time available" and then find a way to accomplish the results in that limited scope of time. Period. Much time is wasted or absorbed in tasks that take way too long, which then results in mistakes, rework, parts that now need different solutions, plus new emergencies that cut in line because a task is taking way too long.
3. Have Daily Routines. Many routines we have are invisible to us. Think about how many things you do in the AM when you wake up. Most people have it down to a little routine that they go through pretty "mindlessly". If you are intentional to take a few more tasks that you have on a regular basis and bundle those into AM Habits and PM Habits your mind will count them as "one" task (vs the number of tasks that are bundled into that routine). When you do them in the same order each day and do the routine consistently, the task will move from conscious awareness and effort to the subconscious ability to execute. This means you will be able to do it quickly while your brain is able to hold or prepare for other things.
4. Stop multi-tasking & focus on one thing and finish. The more stressed we get, the more common it is to leave things half done. We start something and then are distracted or jump to another task, often associated with what we were doing, but by the end of the day, we can feel frustrated that lots were touched but nothing was done. The key to getting traction is to FINISH. You have to pick one task; then be disciplined and keep yourself focused to the FINISH. It is important the task is a specific action vs a project, however, if you outline the "step" that needs to be done, focus there and get it done.
5. Be organized. Have systems for your things and label them. My friend who is a Professional Organizer taught me this years ago. She even had me label sections of my bulletin board! It helps to keep things organized and find or process things. When you get a new contact, enter it in your phone, get the right information and enter it with your "contact naming configuration". Some people will leave numbers unlisted and then be searching for that person later when they have the information but didn't "enter" it. If you do these things when you first get them, you will find great time savings. When you send emails, use the subject line. It will help for searching, sorting and finding later. When you have files, have a "file system" so you can file things in the right place. It is easy to save everything to your desktop or C: drive, but then difficult to find. If you have a system with your key folders set up and then have that same system in email, soft folders, and paper folders, you will find your mind is able to organize and conform to the system quickly.
6. Start with the end in mind - know the goal and what you are trying to accomplish. Like was said in point 4, know what you are really trying to accomplish. Sometimes we start projects or tasks, only to get stuck with needing more information, supplies, another part to be done, etc. This often results in partially done projects sitting. This not only takes up space and mental energy but it is emotionally distracting to have partially finished projects. Whenever possible know what the "end" is and work to finish the task to the end.
7. Have a list and a plan. Some people believe they have a great memory and don't like to write things down. Sometimes we feel too busy to stop and make a list. Other times people are just not "list makers". The thing is, making a list is helpful for your brain. It clears the different thoughts floating around and allows the organization of those thoughts and priorities. It doesn't matter what "type" of person you are or not, the brain works more efficiently when you are able to download thoughts and tasks, organize priorities on a list and get going.
8. Get to the point. Small talk and connecting relationally is important, however, time is often wasted by being unprepared for what the goal is and the purpose of the time. In meetings (even a 1-1) have an agenda, have an identified goal and focus on that, set a time limit, stand up for meetings, have a note taker, highlight actions. Time is valuable for everyone and most people appreciate it when you respect their time and keep things on track.
9. Declutter. While some people feel that "stuff" is not a problem or is an "organized mess", the truth is humans work faster with a clear desk and organized space. You can find things faster, loose things less and are more focused. There was a study done years ago that studied people at their desk with it cluttered vs decluttered and even those who loved and wanted to keep a cluttered desk, were proven to work faster and more efficiently without the clutter. Take time daily to clear your desk. Take time nightly to "clean sweep" and pick up your home. Clear and clean your car, bag, whatever you use on a regular basis. It will make a difference.
10. Wake up early. First things first. What is most important should be done the first thing of the day. That is why the "Eat that Frog" is a great concept and "Miracle Morning" is a critical productivity tool. It gets your mind focused and all the "critically important" but not urgent items done. I will confess, I am NOT a morning person and it is not always easy for me to nail this, but it is true when you do these things (affirmations, mediations, work out, learning/reading, journaling, etc.) it gets you off on the right foot AND ensures that you do them. You can drag them along on your to-do list for the day and sometimes hitting these items at lunch, end of workday or PM is possible and a better time, but the truth is what you want to MAKE SURE you do, do it at the top of the day! There might be items you do already and some you do not think you could do, but find and pick ONE that you can put into practice to support your efforts to get more done in your life!
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Sunday, February 14, 2021
How To Avoid Negative Thinking And Achieve Greater Success in All Your Goals
By Chio Ugochukwu | December 27, 2020
Are your negative thoughts impacting your ability to achieve your goals? Negative thinking is a challenging habit to defeat. Monitor your thoughts and defeat negative thinking before it can take root. Replace those negative thoughts with a positive alternative. When you set weight -loss goals for yourself, you have to make sure that you do not allow your negative thoughts to get you depressed and eat more food. Don't allow what others say about you take away your positive attitude you and prevent.from getting your future results. Ask yourself, "If you know for certain that what others are saying is true?" While you don't know as much as you think you do, you know enough things to become personally more successful, if you consistently apply the knowledge that you have.
You may make a lot of assumptions based on faulty knowledge. This can lead to bad outcomes in certain situations. If you make a faulty assumption based on the serving size of the food that you are eating, you may end up eating much more sugar and sodium than you planned to. This will make success in your desired outcome of losing weight less likely. The other key to achieving your desired outcomes, whether it is related to weight loss or not, is avoiding perfection. Avoid the idea that perfection is possible. Expect that you won't be perfect at anything. When perfection is the goal, you'll always fall short and that opens the door for negative thinking. While it is important to strive for relentless weight loss, you have remember that there will always be ups and downs in your daily outcomes. To avoid eating too much, you need to learn how to spend time doing something that makes you feel good.
It's easy to have positive thoughts if you're doing something enjoyable. Spend time doing something you really love as long as it is not eating or drinking too much! Do you know that meditation can help you eat in moderation. Meditation seems to be a cure for everything. It's one of the best ways to learn more about your thought patterns. It's also an effective way for learning to focus and direct your thoughts on your goals and desires. if you desire to become more effective, you must learn to use positive affirmations and take control of your self-talk. Instead of inventing positive self-talk on the fly, have a list prepared of positive things you can say to yourself. Build your self-talk around your goals and kill two birds with one stone. Little by little, you'll find that you're spending more of your time thinking positively, and you will gain greater self-mastery and more personal success in your life!
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Saturday, February 13, 2021
Expect Nothing, Appreciate Everything
By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales | January 05, 2021
The world doesn't owe you anything, so expect nothing only value everything. The more assumptions you have, the more possibilities you offer individuals to baffle you when those assumptions are not met. It's human instinct to get agitated with something. The main thing is understanding what is truly disturbing you and having the option to justify whether it merits burning through the effort on. If you somehow happened to lay all that disturbs you out on a table before you and arrange them, you would doubtlessly find an example prompting the foundation of your dissatisfaction: your assumptions. It's entirely coherent. We become vexed when what we foresee to happen doesn't. With each individual we meet and each circumstance we experience, we intuitively make assumptions for how somebody ought to carry on or how a circumstance should play out. Notwithstanding, things only from time to time go to plan and individuals will, without a doubt, not go about as you need them to. This being stated, the more assumptions you have, the more possibilities you give for individuals to baffle you. Individuals who hold an excessive number of exacting assumptions are the well on the way to be let down and live wretchedly. You can't handle your general surroundings, you just actually have authority over yourself and how you approach things. The sooner you acknowledge this and give up your longing for power over your environmental factors, the sooner you'll end up living more cheerful and lighthearted.
Carrying on with existence with almost no assumptions diminishes disillusionment dramatically as you don't have anything to contrast individuals or conditions with. Having an excessive number of assumptions resembles conveying an enormous heap of books. Each time you let go of an assumption you reduce your heap and can see your general surroundings all the more obviously with substantially less of a weight. At the point when you don't expect anything you are likewise ready to be more keen to what life hands you. How might you center around the favors you get if your hands are as of now full with assumptions that aren't even liable to be met? The way to effective development and bringing down your assumptions is trustworthiness. Talking from individual experience, I used to trust I was in effect ruthlessly fair with myself but then I'd even now wind up rationalizing my activities and forgetting about them as opposed to getting to the foundation of the issue and addressing it from that point. I did this for quite a long time and, subsequently, wound up suffocating in reasons upon pardons. I was lost in what was genuine and what I had advised myself was genuine. If I had quite recently been really legit with myself, I could've evaded so much agony that I delivered on myself and others.
Deceiving yourself and taking cover behind insignificant reasons just truly harms yourself toward the day's end. Having the option to understand what's really disturbing you is totally essential in the event that you need to tackle your issues and rise above them. Nobody likes being baffled. As opposed to erroneously crediting the flaw of something to outside impacts, have a go at changing your way to deal with things by being fair first to yourself, then, to others. Life is about the decisions you make. Even if your choices are faulty, learn from them and move forward. In essence, choose happiness by expecting nothing in life and learning to appreciate everything!
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You Can't Get It All Done, So Stop Putting That Burden On Yourself
By Tony Fahkry | Submitted On February 02, 2021
Don't Put Pressure On Yourself To Succeed: Are you constantly frustrated with a growing list of things to accomplish in your life? Do you get a sense that no matter how hard you try; you can never get it done? I'm not talking about a list of things to do, but of goals and plans? Here's the thing: you will never get it all done, so stop placing that burden on yourself. We often place top priority on wanting to achieve certain goals, such as being in a romantic relationship, getting a job promotion or moving to a different city. We feel that by achieving these things, it will change our life or increase our happiness. But sometimes the pursuit of our goals can cause more disappointment than the success of achieving them. Similarly, many people who embark on personal growth set out to change their life and become disappointed when they meet with resistance and lack of change. It is discouraging when you've spent months or years changing a behavior without seeing significant results.
I've been actively pursuing personal development for over fifteen years and experienced significant disappointments along the way. I'm not claiming to be further along that anyone else because our journey is a lifelong mission. However, there comes a point when you invest enough time and effort to create a solid foundation of wisdom and clarity. The message is simple: placing demands on how far along we should be in our life, puts pressure on ourselves to succeed. Are you satisfied, your journey is different to others and you mustn't compare yourself, even when things aren't working out? Contained within your failures are important lessons intended to help you grow and expand. It is when you stop doing the work that things slip backwards. Clearly, you are reading this because you are invested in your personal development or interested in the message this article has to convey. The journey of personal growth is not about achieving our goals, but growing into the person pursuing the goal. I liken it to someone who runs 10 miles every day but never enters a marathon. Yes, they will get fitter, but if they don't intend to compete in a race, they will have achieved their results regardless because they are showing up to do the work.
Growth Is Seldom Linear No matter your goal, you will likely make mistakes along the way and experience failure. But these are turning points that decide whether you reach your goal and who you become. I've coached hundreds of people over the last decade, who set out to achieve big goals. Many of my clients achieved them, yet some discovered an emptiness inside because their goals were not tied to a greater purpose. Some people's goals were not altruistic but self-serving, based on what they believed would make them happy. Some were material goals, without a clear intent for pursuing them. So, we ought to do what we can today, even if it is the smallest task. The key is to show up consistently and not drop the ball. If we miss the opportunity to attend to our goals, we must try again tomorrow because trying is more important to our self-esteem than quitting. Even defeat and failure serve a purpose, and we can learn to harness these negative states instead of feeling disempowered by them. Similarly, we can choose a Growth mindset over a Fixed mindset. Whatever we decide, it will dictate how we move forward towards our goals. Is this making sense? Are you getting the impression it isn't about getting it all done, but attending to the smallest task consistently? Growth is not linear, nor does it follow a projected pattern. Growth is cyclical like ocean tides.
Sometimes, the tides are bigger and violent and other times small and tranquil. Yet, the intensity of our lessons does not decide the level of our achievement. For example, tides are governed by the gravitational pull of the moon. They are influenced by the shoreline and shape of the bay, and local wind and weather patterns. Therefore, we cannot draw a conclusion on tide patterns because they will vary. The same is true of our personal growth; sometimes, we will make significant progress to improve our life, yet other times things will appear stagnant, as though we are stuck. I've seen this in my personal development, where I was getting ahead and things were moving along perfectly and then suddenly nothing! There would be periods where nothing happened, no matter how hard I tried. I was stuck, but that was not the case. I was being called to integrate my earlier lessons and use the downtime wisely before moving on. So, whether you are working on personal change, appreciate that growth is seldom linear. It will rise and fall like ocean tides.
When you learn a new lesson, a downturn will often follow to cement your understanding so you can focus on your personal growth. Don't worry about what will come next because the next tide will soon arrive and depending on what you have done in the earlier period, it will decide your next move. So, for now, spend some time examining three areas of your life where you feel you're not achieving your goals? Journal the lessons learned from your experience? What is life asking you to learn? Are you willing to be patient and focus on integrating these lessons into your life? It is when we stop putting the burden on ourselves to get it all done that everything will be achieved, in an easy and effortless way. Do you want to lead a remarkable life?
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Reclaiming Your Power to Discern
By Sal Provino | March 16, 2021 What is it? Discernment is a way of creating value in whatever we do and looking at life in a way refl...
By Sally E Morgan | November 10, 2020 Anything can be organized, even your thoughts. We say that we can't help the way we think,...
By Satvik Mittal | January 20, 2017 Are you looking for ways to sharpen your memory? You can follow a few tips from Ron White who ha...