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Sunday, January 31, 2021
17 Ways to Boost Your Creativity
By Veronica J Kirchoff | June 26, 2014
Whether you're solving a problem, writing a blog post, crafting a review or creating your next product, creativity is one of your best tools for getting the job done with finesse and style. With that in mind, here are 17 methods anyone can use to become more creative:
1. Free write - this is where you just start writing anything and continue to write as the words and ideas flow. At first it may be silly nonsense, but you'll be surprised how fast your words and ideas can coalesce into something truly inspired.
2. Carry a notebook - by jotting down ideas as soon as they appear, two things happen. First, you don't forget your ideas because you've got a written record. Second, the act of writing them down tells your subconscious that you want ideas, which will encourage it to give you even more.
3. Make lists - the very act of writing things down frees up your mind to be more creative.
4. Take mini-breaks - get up, walk around, play 5 minutes of hopscotch - whatever. Just take a breather.
5. Get up and go - leave your computer at home, take your notebook and get away from the office. Go anywhere - a park, the mall, a coffee shop, a museum - just get out, get away and soak up some different surroundings.
6. Get near water, especially if it's moving - studies show that being near moving water floods you with negative ions, which makes you feel good and can boost your creativity. Remember how you get some of your best ideas in the shower? That's why.
7. Talk nice to yourself - positive self talk on how creative you are will produce more ideas. Beating yourself up for being a dummy won't.
8. Do drugs - caffeine, that is. If you don't normally drink caffeine, one cup of coffee or tea can have remarkable effects on your thinking. If you do use caffeine daily, the effect won't be nearly as pronounced.
9. Clean off your desk - nothing stifles creativity like a messy, cluttered desk.
10. Read something different - an article on a topic you know nothing about, a page out of the dictionary, a chapter out of a random book, etc. You never know what it will trigger for you.
11. Practice using your non-dominant hand - writing or bouncing a ball with the "wrong" hand can help activate the connection between the two sides of your brain.
12. Be open to new ideas - all too often we dismiss an idea before giving it a real chance. Even if you think it's a bad idea, try playing devil's advocate and find all the reasons why it's a good idea - you might be surprised.
13. Collaborate and mastermind - two heads are better than one, and 5 are better than 2. Form a mastermind group, present a problem, and then let the ideas flow. The only rule: No one shoots down an idea.
14. Sleep on it - give your subconscious your problem or need: "I need 3 new blog post ideas by tomorrow morning." Then let it go and see what your subconscious finds for you.
15. Make friends with mistakes - when you goof up or make the wrong decision, realize it's not the end of the world, it's simply something that didn't work for your current intended purpose. This allows your creativity to continue to flow. Post-it Notes were, after all, the result of a botched attempt at creating a super strength adhesive that would never come unstuck.
16. Purposely break rules - not the big ones like "do not steal," but the little ones like "this is what a blog post / new product / video should look like."
17. Be you - don't worry about what others might think, because no great idea is without naysayers anyway. In fact, if everyone thinks your idea is great, then it's probably not. One last tip: Ask "Why?" and "Why not?" a lot. Often times we just accept things as they are, when there could be a whopper of an idea just staring us in the face the whole time.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
How To Use Your Time To Create The Life You Want
By Carmen Gilfillan | July 02, 2019
How you use your time is just one of the variables to success. I'm not talking about the passage of time because time just is. It's what you do with the time that you have that matters. One of the secrets to success is knowing how much time to spend on the right things at the right time in the right order to get the results you want in your life. We have so many distractions these days that it's so easy to be swayed off course. So how do you know when you're using your time effectively and when you're not?
1. Get the Balance Right
It's all about balance. If you feel you're working too slowly, how can you speed up such that you're still fully present with the task at hand, you're minimizing errors and you're in that alpha brainwave state (where you're fully absorbed in what you're doing)? If work is coming in at a faster pace than your working pace you know you need to reduce the time you're spending on tasks or increase your pace. If you're rushing around in a state of unhealthy stress (yes there is healthy stress... it's called moderate pressure!) what do you need to do to slow down and bring a sense of calmness and balance back into your being? If you're being drawn away from what you're doing by social media and time is just passing you by, what strategies and stops do you need to put in place to ensure that you minimize those distractions? It's all about finding that fine line between speed and pace, between stress and pressure, between distraction and taking a break. How you view what you're engaged in at any point in time is key to how successfully you do what you do. It's about gaining that clarity in your mind. For example if you feel your pace is too slow or to fast on a particular day and you've got a long list of tasks to accomplish that day, get clear about why your pace is the way it is. Look back at what you were doing yesterday. Did you have a full-on day yesterday, or was your day too easy? In which case should you have scheduled in a lighter day today or a more active one? How did you sleep last night? If you spent the night tossing and turning and hardly slept that might be a clue that maybe your body just needs rest today. If you slept soundly last night this is going to contribute to an extra boost of energy for you. Look at what you've been eating over the last few days. If it's empty calories that give you the feeling of fullness but lack nourishment, this is going to drain your energy levels. If, however, you've been taking in food and drink packed with E numbers you may find yourself bouncing off the walls. All of these aspects are going to have an impact on the time you spend, so planning your days effectively taking account of your energy levels is crucial.
2. Understand How You Respond
Another indicator as to whether your life is working for you time wise is how well you're moving towards what you want in life. A measure of this is how you're responding at the end of each day to what you've achieved... or not. If you feel disappointed because once again you've not accomplished what you wanted to achieve, perhaps it's because once again you've unrealistically tried to fit too many tasks into one day. By asking yourself certain questions about the activities you undertake will begin to give you an understanding of how well you're using your time. Do you feel your task is too big, too small, too boring? Maybe you're unclear on exactly what it is you need to do. Perhaps you lack clarity on how you're going to do what it is you want to do.
3. Prioritize Your Activities
Maybe what's needed is some time to clearly define your activity, why you're doing it and to work out a simple strategy that will at least get you moving. Sometimes when you take a few moments to take just these simple steps, your energy levels begin to stabilize because confusion, frustration and uncertainty begin to wane. Taking some time to simply prioritize your tasks according to their level of importance, timing each one and deciding when you are going to tackle each is an amazingly freeing activity on a mental level that will begin to move you forward. Adopting this more practical approach will also help you to learn more about how you naturally work, and to work in accordance with this.
4. Get Clear on Your Outcomes
The clearer you can be about your desired achievements, the more constructively you'll find yourself using your time. How to do this is relatively simple: Get really clear on exactly what you want to achieve Map out your strategy for getting there Break your project down into prioritized and timed phases and tasks Get to work! Evaluate on an ongoing basis what's working and what's not Make the necessary adjustments along the way Stay open-minded to what success will look like Keep going until you get to where you want to go (or to the closest version of it) Rinse and repeat It's a simple system, but it's not necessarily easy, and a key part of this is how you use the time at your disposal to get to your outcome. When you begin to use your time more effectively by following the strategies above, you can begin to achieve the exact outcomes you want to manifest, and from there start to carve out the exact life you want to live.
Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus specializes in helping people overcome emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Emotional Freedom consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth.
Check out our website at to book your free Emotional Breakthrough consultation. Article Source:
15 Tricks to Improve Your Memory
Friday, January 29, 2021
Jim Rohn - 10 Life Skills Everyone Should Learn
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much."
A Possible Cure For Stupidity
Thursday, January 28, 2021
What Will You Do, To Make You GREAT?
By Richard Brody | January 26, 2021
If, you don't strive, and refuse, to, proactively, do, all you can, to make yourself, the best, you can be, no one else, will! Commit, to regularly, take the time, and make the effort, to give yourself a check - up, from the neck - up, in a truly, objective, introspective way, so you can realistically, know, and understand, your strengths, and weaknesses, and proceed, forward, to effectively take advantage of, and use, every strength, while addressing areas of personal weakness!
Ask yourself, what are you, ready, willing, and able to do, and will do, to make yourself, truly, GREAT? With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Goals; growth (personal): How will you create your personal goals, and, why do you believe these, are the ones, which mean, most, to you? Create a series of goals, instead of one, and consider, them, not only, in the near - term, but also, in the intermediate, and longer - run! What do they represent to you, and how might, they change your life, for the better, in a relevant, and sustainable manner? How will you measure, your personal growth, and, why do you believe, improving, in these areas, are personal priorities, and truly, meaningful, for your health, happiness, satisfaction, and well - being?
2. Realistic; responsible: It doesn't help you, to look, at your life, wearing - blinders, and/ or, rose - colored - glasses! You will only become better, when/ if, you proceed, in a realistic way, and focus, on how to become better! Emphasize, the most responsible course - of - action, for you, to take, to make a meaningful, difference, in your own life!
3. Efforts; excellence; empathy: Doesn't it make sense, to proceed forward, effectively using your efforts, so you might, be able, to consistently, demand your utmost degree of personal excellence, rather than accepting, good - enough? Be willing to listen to others, so you might better, understand, your needs, and priorities, and understand, how, proceeding with genuine empathy, makes you, a far - better, person!
4. Attitude; aptitude; attention; action: Proceed, with a positive, can - do, attitude, so you consider, how you can succeed, rather than focusing on all the reasons, you might fail! Every day, commit to enhancing your aptitude, and skill - set, so you can take advantage of these, and become a better person! Instead of avoiding, and/ or, procrastinating, consistently, be ready, willing, and able, to pay, keen attention, and choose, proactively, taking the best action!
5. Truthful; time - tested; timely; trends: It may feel, more comforting, in the short - term, to lie, to yourself, but, only, when you are truthful, will you be greater! Balancing time - tested knowledge and expertise, with proceeding, with well - considered, timely action (instead of procrastination), and discovering, if any recent/ current trends, might be beneficial, will you help yourself, along the path, of quality, personal growth, and development!
What will you do, to ensure, you have the opportunity, to be, as GREAT, as you might become? Will you commit to the necessary actions?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles.
His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook Article Source:
Why it's Good to be Selfish - Ayn Rand's Counterintuitive Philosophy: Objectivism
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”
― Ayn RandDon't Let Your Senses And Reason Dictate What Is Possible For You
By Tony Fahkry | December 08, 2020
Guide Your Thoughts And Feelings
Think of a problem you're currently facing. Have you tried to overcome it? If your efforts have failed, are you willing to consider correcting your thoughts about the situation? It's common that when problems and challenges arise, we fixate on the issue trying to find a solution. After all, we live in a three-dimensional world and our problems are real. But I'd like to propose another faculty to help us overcome our problems. This faculty is the power of the human imagination, which is a precursor to our upcoming future. To prove this idea, have you ever ruminated on negative thoughts that eventually became a reality? Psychologists call this confirmation bias, where our beliefs and values confirm our thoughts. Neville Goddard was one of the first self-help authors to express these ideas, during the late 1930s to early 70s. He went to great lengths to support the idea of the human imagination being God, working through mankind.
I've studied his work for the last decade and whilst I agree with his philosophies, there's some I disagree with, given our understanding of physics and consciousness. One of Neville's popular sayings is: "Remember, everyone in your world is yourself pushed out. They only reflect what you have been and maybe still are doing. Blame no one, not even yourself, just change your diet. The diet is simply words, all within you." The premise is that our conscious or unconscious thoughts will be expressed in our life. Now, so I'm not misunderstood as preaching a New Age field of mysticism, I don't want you to take my word for it, but explore what I'm proposing in this article. My intention is to empower you with greater choice and freedom; particularly if this information is new to you. Neville repeatedly stated: "To change the state of mind, you change what you focus on and seek only to guide your thoughts and feelings in the direction of your desires and not on the evidence of your senses. This is what keeps us trapped."
This is the basis to this article; not allowing your senses and reasons to dictate what is possible for you. So, back to the problem I asked you about earlier. Chances are, you've been ruminating on the issue, using logic to solve it. Perhaps some of your efforts have worked, maybe others haven't. Hence, why I'm proposing an alternative way to overcome our problems by exploring a higher dimension. Again, Neville reminds us: "Once you feel and or believe your desire has already come true, it is instantly created in the fourth dimensional world and will come to you in time." To do this, we spend time throughout the day or before sleep, imagining what we want to create in place of our problems. We invoke the power of our imagination and use emotion, to bring to life a future possibility that yet exists. The key principle here is consistency. We must be consistent in our practice until our desires become reality.
You Are A Powerful CreatorI realize this may sound unbelievable and it certainly took me a while to embrace. The proof lies in putting it to the test. Throughout my research of Neville Goddard's work, many have spoken of him as the originator of the Law of Attraction, well before it was popularized via the film, The Secret. But what does this mean to you, in so far as overcoming problems? It requires tapping into the power and field of the subconscious mind, to bring to life unseen realities. It is the notion of shape-shifting the future and directing it through our creative intelligence. Neville Goddard proposed that God or the universe is dreaming through us via our imagination. We don't actually attract anything because everything already exists, in an unseen dimension; we simply align our thoughts to bring it into existence. This is the premise of what many call The Holographic universe, which Elon Musk alluded to when he spoke of life being a simulation.
Other mystics have claimed that divinity seeks to express itself in form through mankind. I'm not asking you to embrace religion or a God outside of you. I'm simply inviting you to appreciate, you are a powerful creator with powers beyond your wildest dreams. Again, do your due diligence and don't take my word for it. Do the research, whether it be Neville Goddard or other New Thought teachers. Put it to practice, to see whether it works for you; this is the ultimate test. Neville used this premise with students who attended his lectures. He asked them to imagine themselves climbing a ladder for three nights and recite the words: "I will not climb a ladder." A strange thing occurred, many of the students unconsciously found themselves climbing a ladder within days of this experiment. There's a YouTube video, depicting a former student of Neville talking about his experience with this experiment.
Neville would say: "Never accept anything as true and final unless it conforms to the ideal you desire to embody within your world." That is, nothing is final or fixed and things can change unexpectedly. This has been evident in 2020, with the Coronavirus where the entire world was impacted and lives uprooted. The power of the human imagination is powerful and I urge you to explore these ideas further, if this information resonates with you. We mustn't allow what is taking place in our life, particularly unfavorable events, to dictate the course of our destiny. Nothing is final and nothing lasts forever because what we're experiencing is based on the accumulation of thoughts from the past. To change our future, we must rearrange our thoughts and visualize the future we wish to bring forth in our reality. After all, fate is merely the subjective influence of our thoughts, to create that which is yet unseen in the third dimension.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your
FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Dr. Joe Dispenza - Synchronicity Means YOU'RE CLOSE! (law of attraction)
"We are the creator of our reality with our thoughts we create.."
Synchronicity and Consciousness- What's Your Perception?
By Martha Mangoyana | July 08, 2018
We are all connected as humans, to the earth and the universe therefore we will often communicate and given guidance. This is all central to one, some might identify it as God, Source, Divine or nothing at all depending on your personal belief. I believe we are not solitary in this world (and by world I mean the whole universe, and mind you we are only a speck in the milky way). If you think about it, what we have on earth, the minerals, water and gases - we have components of these and we do need them in order to maintain our health. What we have on earth is replicated under the sea.
The body has electric charges - look at the function of the heart, it has electric charging taking place for it to continue beating, that is one but not all examples. If we have that capability this means we have energy, and what is energy when we relate it to a human being, would you call it your soul. Is that what makes you who you are? So if you think of all the components that makes us as humans plus the soul and energy we produce and possess then it sounds right that we are connected to each other and the universe.
A lot of signs come to us sometimes we just don't notice it especially when we are closed off and we are not conscious or in other terms widely known ''present''. Many a times we are living in auto pilot mode where we are not aware of the beauty around us. The world is such an amazing place and at times we lose focus and we lack gratitude of this experience. Our world is full of it's own energy which we can draw from, it's energy is abundant and infinite and we can use this to ground us when we are feeling unbalanced/unsettled. This is a free resource you do not need to pay a subscription fee its there for the taking! So why are only a few people are aware of this, why are there only a few with the ''awakened consciousness''? We lead busy hectic lives that leave us no time to reflect and have time to communicate with our soul, continuously doing this as a human race has resulted in a closed unconscious soul. We have lost our connection with ''our Source'' therefore we are blind to the signs and guidance that is given to us.
Synchronicity and law of attraction are connected, that is my opinion. The reason I think they are is ''we attract what we desire'' and by so doing the frequency of which we begin to notice this brings about the synchronicity. I will reiterate, it is my personal opinion and I look forward to hearing other's opinions. Here is an example that happened on 4th July, small as it might sound. I had been reading about putting thoughts into action and had made a Instagram ''as you think so shall you be'', what we think becomes reality if we put emotion, whether positive or negative. I embarked on my train journey to work and whilst standing in the rush hour packed train a girl had with a black tote bag with the words '' Dream your desires to come true'' that made me smile as it resonated with what I'd been reading earlier and for me I thought that is the universe telling me that it's listening and it will be bring those thoughts towards me. It made me smile even if it might not be significant. It also made me realize that I had had a wave of consciousness, of awareness which I need to be consciously aware and work at it until it becomes part of my lifestyle without purposely practicing it. I am working towards it becoming a part of me not something I have to remember to do.
The past couple of weeks I had to review my attitude towards my children, work colleagues, friends and strangers around me. Firstly I had to stop passing judgement, practice patients (especially behind the wheel) and to realize that we are all connected and everyone deserves love. It has been really exciting and an eye opener to put into place these steps. What good is it, to preach goodness and consciousness when it is not resonated in your life. To be conscious here are a few pointers to head in the right direction be in the moment...
Be present in your surroundings, absorb and articulate the detail around you be healthy - a healthy mind needs a healthy body, when you eat healthily you become aware of the goodness of nourishing foods that feed your body, mind, and soul having a sense of purpose, we were created to serve on this earth, each and everyone of us has a purpose. When you become mindful and aware of who you are you will find your purpose. conscious awareness - become unbiased towards everyone and everything around you. I have noticed my patience when I'm driving has improved my view of people, and have become to accept that everyone is where there are supposed to be at that time, whether they are driving at snail pace. you will start resonating and connecting with like minded people who are on the same path as you
As I'm finishing off this blog post, I've been listening to Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton on YouTube and they are discussing becoming conscious, when we choose to make changes to our lives, the vibration levels that opens up the door to your subconscious this enabled by 0.1 Hz signal between your heart and your brain (heart brain harmony) talk about synchronicity.
Article Source:
Live Your Ultimate Life! 5 Behaviors to Guarantee Your Best Outcomes Daily!
By Allan Smith | October 04, 2020
You have the potential to live an absolutely phenomenal life.
A life where you get to determine the standards of your lifestyle, the quality of your results and the abundance that you receive
A Mistaken Sense of Reality...
You are not be experiencing these phenomenal impacts because right now you may be in a situation where you are so emphatically conditioned that you are resigned to the mistaken belief that everything happens TO you, that's life... and you have to accept it.
This is an unfortunate mindset too many people have! A mindset that causes them to surrender control of their best assets and expose themselves to a false sense of fate.
I urge you to not fall into this same debilitating way of life!
Understand that this definitely does not have to be the case for you. In fact, it shouldn't! you have been endowed with phenomenal gifts at your creation, which allow you to take a significant amount of control over your direction in life and your circumstances. This issue arises when, as an individual you do not develop these gifts, or give them an opportunity to be expressed with any meaningful intent.
Set Your Expectations...
You are a fine-tuned instrument; your creation is perfection in motion... what you need to understand is how it all comes together. We won't have time to get into all of it in this article, but I want to specifically focus on your mindset, your expectations and how these attract corresponding results.
I encourage you to begin focusing on your unseen, spiritual attributes, as this is where you have the greatest control. This is the part of your creation where your results begin. Everything you have or you experience in the physical is the 'second version' of an idea, thought or expectation.
When you come up with an idea and get emotionally involved with that idea you begin to move into the corresponding frequency of that thought or idea and this vibration gets into harmony with everything on the same frequency.
You are effectively a 'radio dial' that tunes into the station that you want to listen to.
The key aspect is that, for the most part, your 'radio dial' is set to an automatic frequency and everything on that frequency moves into your life as a physical and non-physical results... even if you do not like them.
Your vibration... your vibe determines your environment.
This is why you need to begin to place a premium on your thoughts and expectations.
Don't leave Change to Chance...
As you reflect on the above, I want you to take heart in knowing that change is possible... and you have control over how to turn your life around!
You now have the beginning of a changed awareness and a new understanding. In order to make a meaningful and lasting change you need to begin doing things in a way contrary to how you have been undertaking action to this point.
Currently you are looking at your life, your job, your current results and letting these visible aspects determine what you think you can do. Financially you look at your income, mortgage, credit card limit and immediately impose a restriction on your financial potential or capability. You perceive the number of hours in a day, your commitments, your relationships then confirm to yourself your limited ability to use time There are also many other perceptions based on your current results or way of life that limit how you allow yourself to set goals or manage your expectations.
In order to change you need to focus on pulling yourself up and elevating yourself onto a higher, more valuable level of existence... this can only be done by determining what frequency you want to 'dial into' then working towards that! You need to begin thinking in a very specific and certain way that focuses only on the good and abundant and that your goals and desires you have set for yourself are certain to happen, they are guaranteed and that there is nothing that is going to stop them from coming into being. The complimentary mindset you need to entrench yourself in is that you shut your mind off entirely to any influence or contrary opinion that will tell you cannot get what you have set your mind on. Safeguard against these influences.
Please note that these actions are not just to readjust your thoughts and beliefs into "just accepting" your results with a blind approach to just being satisfied. What we are striving to achieve is meaningful change that meaningfully engages your creative faculties and sets up new expectations that you know will accelerate your growth!
5 Behaviors you can engage today to Guarantee you best outcome daily:
1. Gratitude: be thankful for everything... regardless of appearances. Developing a deeper sense of gratitude allow you to experience the perception that everything is contributing to your well being and all situations are there to create and environment for your success.
2. Decision: Deciding what you want and sticking to that decision set an internal tone from your mind to your Paradigm that begins to move in the direction of that decision.
3. Imagination: This wonderful creative faculty is your designer that adds layers of detail and colors your future world.
4. Believe: knowing that what is to happen will happen for your ultimate growth.
5. Expect: the ribbon that holds it all together... expecting what we want is far superior to expecting what we do not want! Either one will happen... you choose which!
All the above behaviors working in harmony and in an upward spiral of synergy takes you onto ever increasing levels of vibration... vibrations that are on the same frequency of the life you desire. Get your "vibe adjusted" and enjoy the abundance that follows. Our drive at invincible mind is to make the most of ourselves to give the best of ourselves! Learn how to Unleash Your Ultimate Potential with invincible mind... Your future self will thank you for the immense decision! Article Source:
Reclaiming Your Power to Discern
By Sal Provino | March 16, 2021 What is it? Discernment is a way of creating value in whatever we do and looking at life in a way refl...
By Sally E Morgan | November 10, 2020 Anything can be organized, even your thoughts. We say that we can't help the way we think,...
By Satvik Mittal | January 20, 2017 Are you looking for ways to sharpen your memory? You can follow a few tips from Ron White who ha...